Monday, May 17, 2010
Say Yes to Kymaro Body Shapers Prom Dress Contest
Kymaro Body Shaper awarded Stephanie Couture from Atlanta a trip to the prom, all expenses paid. Steph had entered the contest “Say Yes to the Prom Dress” sponsored by Kymaro Body Shaper when she realized that due to several unfortunate factors she would probably not be able to go the prom. Ms. Couture was a newcomer to Roswell, Atlanta, without many friends and even less funds. Stephanie wrote her essay for the Kymaro Body Shapers contest explaining how her difficult financial circumstances would most likely force her to stay home on prom night. Deeming Ms. Couture’s essay the best of many contestants, she was awarded a free dress, shoes, jewelry, hair, nails and make-up, limo and tickets to the prom. Altogether the prices are worth $2,000. Stephanie will enjoy herself and feel like Cinderella, and will even get to pick her date and take him along for free, all courtesy of Kymaro Body Shapers.